Friday, April 1, 2011


The Ace of Chalices card suggests that I should listen to my heart, trust my intuition and follow my dreams. Share my feelings in order to reach out and touch someone and I'll find it becomes easier to offer my love without restraint or condition. The result may be a powerful, renewable wave of gentle passion and arousal that brings good news, social or intimate invitations or proposals. This energy creates other opportunities for celebrating joy, consummating love or experiencing satisfaction. Secure domestic bliss or wholeness by being willing to expand your own expectations, embrace commitment, cross your own emotional boundaries and confront fears. Self-forgiveness, compassion, honest communication and exchange are key.
Should I believe the Ace of Chalices?
I'm facing a lot of obstacle right now and yet I couldn't find a proper way to solve them.
Could I really find my joy and love?
I have forgotten the feeling of love and being loved.
Perhaps I think I should find them out myself and jump out from the world of loneliness.
Being loved by someone doesn't mean that you should find a boyfriend to make you glad.
Apparenly everyone will think that if you want to find a love ones then it will be a person with an opposes sex but this is definitely wrong.
Gal and gal can form a group too and the love that has given by gal won't hurt you badly.

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